Vorstellung Friezen

  • Hello,

    We are a larping group from the Netherlands, we are atleast with five men. We have been larping for 7 years now. We are costumized like vikings from the 10th century, and we are in possession of historical correct camping equipment ect.

    Is it possible for us to join das Große Heer? We are interrested in non-fantasy larping that's why we would like to join you.

    We frequently go to larping events like Drachenfest. This year we will go again to Drachenfest and also to Conquest. We don't know how this forum works so if we posted this post in the wrong part of the forum sorry for that :)

    Sorry for the fact that we do not speak and write German, we can understand German but we prefer and speak back English.

    Kind regards,
    De Friezen

  • Zitat von sigmund

    Hat sich der Neulingsberater mit unseren Freunden aus dem ertrinkenden Blumenland in Verbindung gesetzt?
    Finde es irgendwie blöd, dass da keiner drauf reagiert.


    Habe schon selbständig Mailkontakt mit denen aufgenommen. Habe eben eine Antwort von denen bekommen. (Fand es auch schade, dass keiner reagiert hat. )

  • Zitat von sigmund

    Hat sich der Neulingsberater mit unseren Freunden aus dem ertrinkenden Blumenland in Verbindung gesetzt?
    Finde es irgendwie blöd, dass da keiner drauf reagiert.


    Neulingsberater ist schon im PM Kontakt....hat aber noch keine Antwort erhalten...

    <---Hat ein Klimmzug-Defizit!
    Jetzt auch mit Flachs! Und in Bunt!
    Harter Hund

  • Zitat von Sture_Tokeson

    Habe schon selbständig Mailkontakt mit denen aufgenommen. Habe eben eine Antwort von denen bekommen. (Fand es auch schade, dass keiner reagiert hat. )

    Hello from Blumenland! Sorry for the late reply!
    I don't know how this forum works, and I can't reply to the PM's. I have sent two e-mails to this e-mailadress: andreas@jene-online.de. But didn't get any answer. I did this on 2-3-2016 and a few days back. I have changed the avatar picture to one of our members, because that was a must. If anybody could send a email to: job_intgroen@hotmail.com or could tell me how I can send a personal message, would that be great.

    Kind regards,

  • Zitat von Friezen

    Hello from Blumenland! Sorry for the late reply!
    I don't know how this forum works, and I can't reply to the PM's. I have sent two e-mails to this e-mailadress: andreas@jene-online.de. But didn't get any answer. I did this on 2-3-2016 and a few days back. I have changed the avatar picture to one of our members, because that was a must. If anybody could send a email to: job_intgroen@hotmail.com or could tell me how I can send a personal message, would that be great.
    Kind regards,

    Hejsan from Kilfjord!
    We hope that your group will find pleasure and new nordic contacts. Our little group will organize a nordic Conquest, the Kilfjord Viking, at the beginning of May. But it is one of several Conquests. If want to get more informations, send me a short message.
    Have a nice time and may Odin squire your way!

  • Transparenz:
    Wir haben auf dem DF16 und dem CoM16 mit den Friezen gesprochen. Die Friezen machen sich einzelne Accounts wie die anderen Leute auch und halten Kontakt im Moment.

    ehemals Ole Askirson und Miroslav Ivanovic

    Nun Fjodor Alexejovic

  • Hello members of Das Große Heer,

    Like Fjodor Alexejovic said, had we met at DF16 and CoM16 and we had a very good time with you all. My old account (de friezen) does not longer apply. The other members of my group De Friezen will also make an account, but I don't know when they will do this.

    Ivar Bjornson (Job in 't Groen)

  • Hello Das Große Heer,
    My name is Ivar Bjornson (Job in 't Groen) and this is my new personal account. My old account is ''De Friezen''. Like Fjodor Alexejovic said, did we have met at DF16 en CoM16.
    The other members will also make an account, but when this will happen do I not know.
    Can someone make this account official so I can send personal messages and see the other things on this forum? That would be great.
    Kind regards,
    Ivar Bjornson

  • Hej Ivar, nice to meet you here.
    Kind Regards


    ... Dort treffe ich dann meinen Vater, dort treffe ich meine Mutter, meine Schwestern und meine Brüder.
    Dort treffe ich dann all jene Menschen meiner Ahnenreihe, von Beginn an.
    Sie rufen bereits nach mir. Sie bitten mich meinen Platz zwischen Ihnen ein zu nehmen.
    Hinter den Toren von Valhall, wo die tapfern Männer für alle Ewigkeit leben...

  • Hello Das Grosse Heer

    I am errak stridaxe (Martin Swart) i am the "jarl"of the friezen.
    we have 15 member, 4 females and 11 male.
    we are a new group. So therefore, we do dont have all our gear how we wand to. but we do our best. (tips are welcom)
    we will attend the winter thing. and Drachenfest 2017. for the rest.... We are not sure yet?
    Last summer (dr16 and con16) was really to our liking. we decided to make a offical group. so we could larp alongside with you!
    if anyone has any questions. me or Ivar Bjornson are approachable.

    Errak Stridaxe

  • Damit die Friezen auch ihren Chef an Bord haben,...

    I guarantee for Errak

    Ich glaub man benötigte zwei Bürgen gelle ?

    Ich kenne Ihn zwar nicht, aber die Friezen wollen ja vollständig sein und der Friezen Member Ivar hat es ja bestätigt.


    Skól da Onkel

    Sijáelándr Huskarl, alt-reich, Onkel der Ylfinge & MR.NORDIC 2007 zu Hornwall / Haderlumpen Bootsmannschaft